Monday 27 January 2014

day 2

january 27, 2014

today has been fairly uneventful thus far. mike's phone started ringing off the hook at 6 am, but we managed to sort of sleep until about 10. we've spent most of the day driving through indiana, and should be into illinois soon.

the roads here are not as good as i thought they would be, considering we've spent the whole day on the interstates. the northwestern US has spectacularly paved and maintained roads, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. it's also looking a little too much like saskatchewan for my liking - flat, snowy, boring. there has been progressively less snow, however i would prefer none, and palm trees, please and thank you. it's also very cold - it's supposed to be -14 tonight, and that's farenheight (not sure what that translates to in celcisus, but TOO cold, regardless). 

as i write, mike is out in the cold working on the camper light situation. he says he's making progress, but i haven't ventured out into the frigid air to see for myself... i guess i should go do that!! 



1 comment:

  1. I don't think Indiana has any palm trees, nor Illinois for that matter, it may be a few days before you see palm trees, but you will see them soon. Glad to hear the light situation is taken care of. Love the blog mikeandharmony!!
