Wednesday 29 January 2014

day 3

january 28, 2014

woke up in forrest city, arkensas (not much of a city, if i do say so myself) around noon. we didn't get in until 3 am due to the impacts of american family radio on our giggle-drives.
this morning, we have made our first travel smoothies. i have to say the magic bullet was a superb investment for this trip. we have a power inverter rigged up in the camper, and with some wal-mart bananas and frozen fruit, along with powdered soymilk and chia seeds, we made ourselves a delicious breakfast. 

first smoothie of the trip, you guys!!

as i write this, we're headed towards little rock, then on to dallas. apparently the cold is following us - we woke up to ice in the hotel pool today, and we heard on the news that texas is preparing for a once-in-a-lifetime ice storm. what the shit?!? 

the roads here are populated with many old, non-rusted cars, and lots of churchy billboards. with the heat in the truck blasting, we can almost believe this is the south, however the freezing air outside is making us wonder. we are really ready for some warm weather. bring on mexico! 

happy roadtrip harmo!

update: made it to dallas, and visited with my friend jenna, who has recently moved here from calgary. we're trying out the camper for the first time tonight, despite the cold snap. it's cold enough that we can see our breath, but it should be 16 tomorrow!! we are confident that with cozy clothes and the king-sized duvet we brought, we should be quite comfortable.
tomorrow, on to houston, and last-minute shopping (we want to do this in a country in which we speak the language), then the next day, mexico!!

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