Saturday 25 January 2014

BAM, winter

so, of course, the day we're supposed to be leaving, i wake up to this: 


yeah, that's snow almost up to my waist, out the front door. 

 yeah, that's my moms car under there. i looked out the window and thought her station wagon had been replaced by a van because it's 2 feet taller now. 

yeah, that's the forest behind my parents' house, looking like a god damn christmas special. 

 clearing off erin's car. it took an hour to dig it out. 

none of the streets have been plowed, and there's at least 2 feet of fresh snow everywhere. i've heard they have called in the army. wtf?!?! i thought the deal was that it could snow all it wanted AFTER we leave. this, my friends, was not part of the plan! apparently it's taking people 5-6 hours to make it from toronto (where mike is) to port hope (close to me). so... we'll see what happens.

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