Tuesday 14 January 2014

pre-trip checks

it's getting to the point where i fear i'm packing too much stuff. ok... i don't actually feel like that's the case, because we're going to be living out of the truck for months... 

however while i'm only bringing 2 pairs of pants, 4 t shirts, 1 jacket, etc, i have packed 26 different spices. is this unreasonable? i really love to cook, and my personal (not super extensive) experiences in central/south america have led me to believe that if there's something i REALLY want to have, i should bring it with me. in my world this DOES include more than one curry blend, emergency chocolate, nori, etc.

i am also a vegetarian with a few food allergies/sensitivities, and we are planning on doing most of our own cooking as opposed to eating out. i feel that bringing a little too much food is better than not enough... but i'll reevaluate this position as we go along and let you know how it turns out!

the only things that i've packed that i would really describe as recreational are some wool and knitting needles (and i plan on making dishcloths to give to people we meet as little gifts), and a few books (some national geographics i plan on reading then giving away, and the heir to the empire trilogy by timothy zahn (star wars) (*nerd alert*)). 

everything else is cooking stuff, emergency gear (duct tape, extra fuel for the stove, tarp, etc), toiletries (baby wipes, vitamins, hand sanitizer, first aid stuff, bug spray), travel guides, and the afore mentioned basic clothing. 

as well, i have been on something of an organizational spree. i have all the different categories of things (books, bathroom, kitchen, clothes, etc) in different bins around my living room, and have created a filing system for all information about the countries we're visiting, border crossings, receipts, and personal documents. i told mike yesterday that he'd laugh at me when he saw it, and he replied "well, it's not like you've bought a label making machine and labelled everything in your world.... right?". i plead the fifth. (fyi i didn't ACTUALLY buy a label maker. i made my own labels. don't judge me.) 

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