Tuesday 28 January 2014


somewhere around the illinois-missouri border, we discovered a spectacular radio station. american family radio: constantly spewing hateful christian drivel. it was actually very amusing, though also wildly depressing.

anti-abortion commercials. anti-trans commercials. anti-jewish commercials. pro-gun commercials. anti-divorce commercials. anti-evoloution public service announcements. american family radio truly has it all. there was a spectacularly biased discussion about obamacare, in which the only liberal-leaning caller was shushed and interrupted by the host. there were literally dozens of moments that we burst out laughing in response to the absurdity of the views expressed. 

realistically though, it's terrifying that this is what people are listening to here. it was even scarier when we started channel-surfing and discovered an abundance of such stations - this is not an anomaly. eep.

we were on the verge of pulling over for the night when we stumbled across this poopnugget of a radio station, and it's kept us so amused that over 2 hours later we're still driving.

we can't wait for texas radio.

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