Tuesday 11 February 2014

day 17

february 11, 2014

so, today was quite a day.

mike's mom has been sick for a long while, but we got word last night that she's in the hospital and not doing very well.

we're flying home friday from acapulco. we spent the day driving today, from zipolote.

apparently, neither of us noticed at any point today that a bit of the pop-up camper's "wall" was hanging out the side of the camper like a dog's tongue on a hot afternoon, so that was a little embarrassing when we got to our hotel and noticed... what can i say, it's been a long day.

i feel like there should be elephants in this one!

also, i got stung by a bee today. on my face. over the last 10 years, i've had reactions to bee stings ranging from "this hurts but i'm fine" to "oh good lord WHY is my leg swelled up to 4 times it's normal size, and WHY is it purple and oh ps i can't walk"... so this was a bit worrying. we were driving along, on the road to acapulco, when a bee flew in my window and stung me RIGHT where my nose meets my face, in the middle. how awkward!?!? anyway, i screamed and flung it to the ground and mike was like "WHAT IS HAPPENING" and i was like "I'M CRYING FROM SHOCK AND FEAR NOT BECAUSE I'M DYING (I HOPE)". i didn't have any trouble breathing, and i took 2 advil right away, but i also wanted to get some ice on it asap, because i've had issues with severe bee-related swelling in the past. of course, we were in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, and there was no ice available... so we drove around for about 45 minutes with me holding a cold cerveza to my face to help calm the swelling.

mike was a champ, and stopped everywhere he could find to look for ice or freezies or anything to help, and we did eventually find some (but not before he stopped at a roadside store where the lady said "oh, do you need a beer, too?" lol). luckily, my face has not swelled to the size of a melon (yet).

anyway, we are in acapulco, and tomorrow we need to have somebody who speaks spanish call around for us to find out about customs and long-term parking for the defiant. we are booked to fly out at 6:15 am friday, from acapulco to mexico city, mexico city to chicago, and finally chicago to toronto, arriving at 11:50 pm. luckily, my spectacular parents are going to be there to pick us up from the airport. what would i do without them?

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