Tuesday 11 February 2014

day 16

february 10, 2014

i literally got this picture half a second before the waves washed it away!

9 am:

we woke up at about 8, surprised that we were not in pools of our own sweat. the night was lovely, hot but not too hot to make sleep comfortable. at one point i was shivering under just the sheet, and grabbed a polar fleece blanket to pull on top of me - then it was just right.

we're camped about 40 feet from the waves, just over a little rise that has little cabanas on it. the cabanas are on stilts, so we can actually see the water from here. the sound of the waves was constant all night, and the roosters started at about 4 am.

it's already hot out, i didn't even heat up the milk for our coffee this morning. shortly, it'll be smoothie time. i'm really missing the ali baba pants andrew gave me, i couldn't find them when i was packing for this trip... i might have to see if i can find something similar here, i feel like they would be perfect in this environment.

we have nothing specific on the agenda for today. maybe a swim, likely a shower, certainly a smoothie or two. we should find miike some flip flops, as he's been kicking around in docs so far, but i think in this weather that will get very unreasonable very quickly.

3 pm:

we had a nice long beach-walk this morning, then a beer and a shower and a siesta. i'm thinking about another shower, lol. it's so hot i don't even really want to eat.

skyhorse just texted us, they are boondocked on the beach about 65 km from here. we may join them, mike is going to deal with the trailer wiring situation, then we'll make up our minds about whether we'll go tonight or tomorrow.

zipolite beach

7 pm:

so we decided to head to meet up with skyhorse and carpe viam tomorrow. we went for a walk on the beach and took pictures of the beautiful sunset. i also ran into this guy steve, who i knew in toronto way back in the day.

the little cabanas for $300 pesos a night - this is where steve is staying - and the defiant parked behind

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