Friday 2 May 2014

storing the truck in acapulco - part 2

so, we've returned and collected the truck with no issues. i was in email contact with the storage facility and let them know we were coming, and they had everything ready for us - mike signed a form and we drove away!

the hardest part of the storage ordeal turned out to be paying them, and this was as much canadian banks as anything. apparently it's super hard to transfer money from one bank to another, which ended up with mike stuck in banks for a few days, but in the end it did get sorted (and i stick by our storage choice, as a smaller business may not even have been able to accept a bank transfer/have a business bank account) by his persistence and a spanish-speaking agent at a td in toronto.

we've yet to get to town to deal with the permit paperwork, but i'll do a post on that once we find out what's involved. overall the storage process was pretty painless, and totally worth dealing with : )

1 comment:

  1. Banking can be a pain in almost any country; glad everything is sorted out though. Your posts are great, we check everyday to see what is happening on your travel adventures. Missing our delicious meals that you make for us; we may lose weight by the time you get back.

    Hugs to MikeandHarmony, Love Momsie & Popsie
