Thursday 1 May 2014

day 20 - april 30, 2014

1:30 pm

well, i definitely woke up in a pool of my own sweat this morning... it's so beautiful out!

i cleaned and organized the camper this morning, then was looking into car insurance for the defiant when a friendly gentleman pulled up. he's from vancouver and his name is john, and he lives at the park here. he gave us tons of good advice about insurance and the defiant not being properly registered. the power is currently out, but when it comes back on we're going to head to his trailer to investigate the company he recommended for insurance - he says we should just be able to do it online, which would be ideal.

we went on a little adventure with john, to find a working bank machine. this was harder than it seems, as a bunch of affiliated banks seem to have some sort of technical issue happening right now... anyway we did finally find one, and bought beer and bread.

then we went on a little tour around with john. we stopped by the place of "el commandante" (or, andreas, as it were), the night security guard here. then john drove us down to the end of the road - we're right between the ocean and a river here, and at the end of the road, they (previously) almost met, separated by only a thin sandbar. well, i guess there have been some crazy storms here recently, and the ocean has broken through the sandbar and into the river! also, according to john, that is where one of the rocky movies was shot!

we're back at the campground now, and i'm having a pre-siesta cerveza. it's very hot, but there is a breeze, and the waves are crashing hard (apparently this is not a good place to swim, it's kind of terrifying, and apparently there is a very bad undertow), but the pool  is full of local children.

also, apparently there are puppies. here. at the campground. i haven't seen them yet, but i'm slightly afraid i may own a puppy or two, shortly. eep.

7 pm

we had a really nice, and much-needed siesta this afternoon. i dreamed of walking endless miles in the baking sun.

a lady came by earlier and drained the gross water from our little personal swimming pool (which is a freaking awesome thing to have, let's be honest. especially after all of the kids being in the big pool today, not to mention the babymaking in there last night...) and said she'd refill it for us, but has yet to do so. when she does mike is going to give the defiant a spray down as well.

we went to see john earlier, but he wasn't home... however, we took a little stroll around the campground, and saw some crazy cool old trees. i also dropped a full nalgene on my toe (ow.) and found a tamarind tree! i broke some of the little shells open and showed mike the fruit. maybe i'll have to make some pad thai while we're here!! on our stroll i also almost walked headfirst into a bee nest. there is this old half-built building and i was going to climb the stairs and check out the top floor, but there was a nest right in the stairs. honestly i came within 3 feet of it, i'm so surprised i didn't get stung.

we've had a pretty lazy afternoon, and have just eaten a big 'ole plate of harmony-made avocado, mango and cucumber sushi - perfect food for this hot weather! i'm so glad i packed wasabi and pickled ginger. ; )

also, the puppy-mama came by after our pool was drained, looking for a drink of water and was sad to find that there was none. of course i ran and grabbed a nalgene and a bowl and poured her a drink. she drank all of it, and some of the second bowl as well. i have left the bowl out for her : )

on the agenda for tonight? a dip in our private pool (which is now being tended to), maybe a visit to john's, and an early bedtime as we're both totally pooped still.

10:30 pm:

well, we went to john's and got our insurance looked after. holy shit that was so easy and cheap! and we printed out the paperwork online. it took about 15 minutes. lewis and lewis is the name of the company, and i'd advise you to check them out. john said he's had a few issues, busted rad - they towed him for free, etc. so that's amazing.

i also forgot to mention earlier that there are coconut palms all over the place, and mike hacked open a coconut with a saw earlier. we poured out the coconut water and are going to use it for our smoothies in the morning. : )

we sat in our own personal pool (about the size of a hot tub, the water is perfect - warm but not too warm) and had a cerveza this evening. life is so good. now: bed time.

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