Tuesday 15 April 2014

an update

we are returning to mexico to resume our adventure on april 29th! 

mike's mom passed away in march, and between family obligations and work that came up, this is the soonest we can manage to get away, back home, to the defiant. 

we are planning to travel again until mid-june, then park the defiant for the summer, fly home, work, play, and fly back south to resume the trip again in the fall. we've both been whining about wanting to get back to mexico since the day we left, so now that we've set a date, we're going crazy with excitement. 

mike managed to lose gina, so we've acquired a new gps (new gina) which i am still fighting with to get maps of mexico and central america onto. tonight is hopefully going to be the last push (i've had some coffee and a snack and i'm tackling it as soon as i finish this blog post). 

the weather in southern ontario has been too nice lately, it was making us feel silly for going back to mexico. however this morning we awoke to freezing temperatures and snow on the ground, so i'm again feeling validated about heading back south. 

i've been drafting a post on out storage experiences, and once we've collected the defiant, i'll post it in full!

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